Understanding Employee Benefits and key developments in the employee benefits field and items of interest to our clients. MORE

On November 1, 2024, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) released Notice 2024-80, which sets forth the 2025 cost-of-living adjustments affecting dollar limits on benefits and contributions for qualified retirement plans. The IRS also announced the health savings account (HSA) and high deductible health plan (HDHP) annual deductible and out-of-pocket expense adjustments earlier this year

The Department of Health and Human Services’ (“HHS”) Office for Civil Rights recently published a final rule (the “Final Rule“) which provides additional privacy protections related to the use and disclosure of reproductive health care information.  Covered entities (e.g., health plans) and their business associates must comply with all of the provisions of

On November 1, 2023, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) released Notice 2023-75, which sets forth the 2024 cost-of-living adjustments affecting dollar limits on benefits and contributions for qualified retirement plans. The IRS also announced the health savings account (HSA) and high deductible health plan (HDHP) annual deductible and out-of-pocket expense adjustments earlier this year

On January 30, 2023, the Biden Administration announced that it intends for the National Emergency (“NE”) relating to the COVID-19 pandemic to end on May 11, 2023. Shortly after, the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services announced the intent to end the Public Health Emergency (“PHE”) on the same day. The end

On October 21, 2022, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) released Notice 2022-55, which sets forth the 2023 cost-of-living adjustments affecting dollar limits on benefits and contributions for qualified retirement plans. Earlier this year, the health savings account (HSA) and high deductible health plan (HDHP) annual deductible and out-of-pocket expense adjustments were announced in Revenue

On October 4, 2021, the Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Labor and Treasury jointly issued FAQs relating to COVID-19 vaccine incentives and surcharges. Under the guidance, employers may provide incentives such as premium discounts or surcharges through group health plans to incentivize COVID-19 vaccines, provided the incentive complies with the activity-only

On March 11, 2021, President Biden signed the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (“ARPA”) into law. Under ARPA, certain employees and their dependents who lost group health coverage during the COVID-19 pandemic due to the employee’s involuntary termination (other than for gross misconduct) or reduction of hours are allowed to temporarily receive fully-subsidized COBRA

On March 27, 2020, President Trump signed into law the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act), which addresses the public economic and health crisis related to the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19). The CARES Act includes a temporary provision that allows employers to make tax-free student loan payments on behalf of employees pursuant

On June 13, 2019 the Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Labor and Department of the Treasury released final regulations that create new healthcare coverage options for employers and employees. https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2019/06/20/2019-12571/health-reimbursement-arrangements-and-other-account-based-group-health-plans

The new coverage options come in the form of two new types of health reimbursement arrangements (“HRAs”), one which allows employers to